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Is Your Soul Calling You?

Then you are ready

Meet Your Guides

Genevieve Frances & Lisa Williams

Lisa Williams is a Best-Selling Author, Speaker & Spiritual Leader & Teacher, best known for her TV shows, Lisa Williams Life Among the Dead, Voices from the Other Side, and Lisa Williams Live.

Her psychic and Medium gifts will help you access your greatest soul’s desire, purpose, and loved ones on the other side.

Genevieve Frances is an intuitively gifted Soul Medicine Guide and Energy Worker.  She’s been working with a world-renowned Shaman for over a decade as well as medicine men and women around the globe. Her healing work and wisdom has transformed lives through sacred ceremonies where she has opened hearts, healed wounds and enlightened souls with universal knowledge.


Together they elevate your awareness of your life, your healing, and your purpose in the world.

Here’s to re-MEMBER-ing who you truly are from your Source Within and Surrendering into your True Nature.

Your Unique Expression. Your Magnificence.

With deep humility, love, and devotion, we offer you a safe, sacred, sanctified space for grace.

There is but one.



The Secret Garden

Members Only Area

“A Soul's Calling provided a safe & comfortable space for me to heal. I've done many other ceremonies & none compare to what I experienced with a Soul's Calling. This ceremony has changed my life by helping me understand my future. Both Genevieve & Lisa has helped me thru the integration process. I highly recommend giving them a try because you won't be disappointed. It's truly life-changing!!!”

S. Lewis

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